This February, Focus on Love and Connection

Table of Contents

Last February, we talked about kindness as being just one shape of love. This year, especially after all of the events of 2020, we are choosing to focus on another shape of love: connection. Our media and popular culture tend to focus on one type of love this month, the type that sells cards and candy.  But I think it’s possible to shift gears and take time out to feel the connection with the people you love and the world around you.

Connection to Loved Ones

While you can mark the connection with your loved ones with treats and homemade cards, you can also think outside of the box. Showing that you’re connected doesn’t have to be about gifts, it can also be about spending quality time or performing acts of service on a daily basis..

Investing time with your family can be the greatest gift of all, especially after everything we experienced last year. You can also demonstrate your connection with them by asking how you can be of service.  Many people are struggling right now, so the offer to help with even the simplest of tasks can speak volumes about your love for them.

Connection to Friends

The love you show your friends may not be the same that you show to your family, and  that connection isn’t any less important.  It’s another lesson I learned throughout 2020.  Even if you’re far apart, take the time to express how much you care about your friends.

One great way to do this is by sending a letter or handmade card in the mail. Receiving something personal will give the other person a sense of warmth and they’ll feel that long-distance hug you’re sending.

“Letters are something from you. It’s a different kind of intention than writing an e-mail.” – Keanu Reeves

Connection to the Earth

At New Earth AVL Realty our mission includes our care and stewardship of the earth. We think connection isn’t just about the people we love, but also about the earth we share.  We are all connected through nature, and caring for our planet is as important as caring for one another.

With the coming spring, a great way to show your love to the Earth is by planting native plants or fruit trees. It’s healthy for the earth and is a sustainable experience for you and your family. We partner with Danu Macon to plant fruit trees for all of our new homeowners to symbolize our connection with the land.

Connection to Community

It’s been a long year, and there is a light in sight. Now more than ever we need to understand that we are connected – not just through our friends and family or the earth but also through our community. Here in Asheville, many people still need our help to thrive.  Check out this beautiful and inspiring movement started here in Asheville:

Volunteering may look different these days, but it’s no less important. Find safe ways you can contribute to your commUnity as we work toward a safe and healthy future.

How can I connect you to be of service? Call New Earth AVL Realty to learn more today. 

If buying a home, or selling your house in 2021 is your goal, call me today.

Many blessings,
Jason Martini

PS. Who do you know that I can serve?… Who is choosing to buy, sell, or invest in real estate in AVL or Beyond? I Am grateful for your referrals! Your friends and family will thank you for connecting us!

PSS. Please feel free to comment below and let us know how you liked this blog post and what it brought up in you. And by all means… share it on your social sites too!


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