Asheville, NC Listings

What Our Clients Say

Jason is amazing to work with!

If you’re looking for a great realtor in the Asheville area, consider Jason Martini… I can’t recommend him enough. He’s amazing to work with and we ended up selling my house in a week for almost 10% over asking price!

Avatar for Jeff Danford
Jeff Danford

Jason has been a great help!

I currently live out of state, but have been exploring the potential of Asheville, and Jason has been a great help. Thoughtful, deliberate, informative. A font of local knowledge on pricing, airbnb, value, choices of neighborhoods and the tradeoffs, etc.

Avatar for Nathan Patmor
Nathan Patmor

Jason is a gem!

Kind, mindful, intention driven professional, changing the way we bring people home! Thank you, Jason for improving the image of agency. You are a gem in this beautiful community!

Avatar for Amy Bondzeit
Amy Bondzeit

Get to Know New Earth AVL Realty

Our Promise
Invest In Real Estate With Confidence

A real estate deal involves lot’s of small print. Even one little technical mistake can potentially haunt you for years and cost you unknowable amounts of time and money.

Whether you’re a first-time home buyer, investing in rental properties, or growing your business, your real estate transaction is a complex investments with many secondary financial implications.

We promise to provide you with the security you need to purchase real estate with confidence. Work with us to make sure your contract is rock solid and that there are no surprises waiting for you.

New Earth AVL Realty exists to co-create a world where we live in harmony with the Earth and each other by modeling a thriving community and inspiring positive transformation.

We provide outstanding real estate services, community connections, personal and professional support, and passionate commitment to our values and purpose.

Call Us To Invest In Real Estate Confidently (828) 515-1771

From The Blog


Intentions For New Year

In our daily lives, we often operate on autopilot, engaging in activities without conscious consideration. While this automatic mode is essential for managing our demanding schedules, there are moments when it becomes crucial to pause,

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