The Pros and Cons of Virtual Home Tours for Buyers

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With the rise of technology and social distancing measures, virtual home tours have become an increasingly popular way for buyers to explore properties without having to physically visit them. While virtual tours have several advantages, there are also some drawbacks that buyers should be aware of.  

Pros of Virtual Home Tours for Buyers

Convenience: One of the advantages of virtual home tours is that they are incredibly convenient. Buyers can view properties from the comfort of their own homes at a time that suits them. They can avoid scheduling conflicts, traffic, and the time it takes to travel to and from each property.

Access to More Properties: Virtual tours also provide buyers with access to a wider range of properties than they would be able to see in person. This is particularly useful for buyers who are relocating to a new area, as they can explore properties without having to physically visit every one of them.

Better PreparationVirtual tours allow buyers to be better prepared for a property viewing. They can examine the details of each room, get a sense of the layout, and take measurements. This helps buyers to make more informed decisions about which properties to prioritize for in-person viewings.

Better Safety: Virtual tours allow buyers to avoid potentially risky situations such as traveling to properties in unsafe areas, viewing properties with strangers, or during a pandemic when social distancing is desired.

Cons of Virtual Home Tours for Buyers

Lack of Personal Interaction: A significant drawback of virtual home tours is that they lack the personal interaction of an in-person viewing. Buyers can’t ask questions or get a feel for the property and the surrounding neighborhood as they would during an in-person tour.

Potential for Misrepresentation: Virtual tours can sometimes misrepresent a property’s true condition, layout, size, and neighborhood. Without physically visiting the property, the buyers may be unable to assess certain factors, like the condition of appliances, the quality of materials, and the overall atmosphere.

Incomplete View: Virtual tours do not always show everything that a buyer would be able to see in person. A virtual tour may not include certain areas, features, or details of the property, which may leave the buyer with unanswered questions.

Technology Issues: Technology is prone to glitches, which may make the virtual tour experience frustrating. Poor video quality or a slow internet connection can interfere with the tour and may lead to a buyer’s inability to view the tour.


Virtual home tours have several advantages for buyers, particularly in terms of convenience, accessibility, and preparation. However, they also have some drawbacks, including the lack of personal interaction, the potential for misrepresentation, the incomplete view, and technology issues. To make an informed decision, buyers should weigh the pros and cons of virtual tours against their own needs and preferences and consider the circumstances of each property they’re interested in viewing.


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Many Blessings,

Jason Martini

828.515.1771 (google voice) or 530.615.9345 (direct)

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