Should I Rent Out My Home or Sell It?

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Most homeowners do not know whether to rent out or sell their homes. If you have a house and have mixed reactions between renting and selling it, know you’re not alone. This is a struggle most homeowners face.

However, there is no magical answer to the endless questions asked by homeowners. This is because the decision varies based on multiple factors when deciding between renting and selling a home. That is why it is vital to take into account all factors before deciding the right path.

Below are tips to help you determine whether to sell your home in Asheville or rent it out. Reading through the items listed below will build your confidence and drive you to make the appropriate decision.

Everything You Need to Know about Renting or Selling Your Home

Would You Love to be a Landlord?

The best way to know whether to rent out your home or sell it is by deciding if you want to be a landlord. Probably, you do not have the desire to be a landlord. If this is the case, then you have to choose to sell your home.

However, if you do not understand what it takes to be a landlord or the responsibilities involved, read on to learn more.

The most challenging part for landlords is getting tenants. Every landlord wants to get good tenants, but some can be a stumbling block. If you want the best outcome, you have to look for tenants with a good credit score, excellent work history, and someone who will not damage your property. You can search online for tips to screen tenants. This will guide you to make informed decisions when searching for tenants.

Looking for tenants can take a while, but it is promising, and you can be sure of getting good tenants if you follow the right vetting procedure. When choosing whether to sell your home in Asheville or rent it, ensure you master the benefits of looking for good tenants and consider the time it takes to get good tenants.


Property Repairs and Maintenance

Every property needs immediate care through repairs and maintenance. This is the work of the landlord. So, if you decide to rent your property, know who will be responsible for repairs and maintenance.

It is also important to determine whether you will get adequate time to care for the property. For instance, you will need to winterize your home during the winter season. Ask yourself if you will get the time to do so.

Dealing with Tenant Issues

Every landlord faces various challenges, and the most critical element is dealing with tenants. You will come across tenants with different characters. Some may not respect your property, and some may fail to pay rent, leading to eviction.

So, before you choose to be a landlord, know that it comes with tenant issues. Ask yourself if you have enough time to solve tenant issues. It would be best if you also were careful when dealing with tenant issues because some incidences may be severe and lead to lawsuits.

Conditions of the Real Estate Local Market

The real estate industry’s current status plays a crucial role in determining whether to sell your home in Asheville or rent it. It is worth noting that real estate markets vary. That is why it is vital to understand the local market conditions before deciding whether to rent or sell your home.

When reviewing the local market, determine whether it is a buyer or seller market. If it is a buyer’s stronghold, you will not sell your home or sell it at a lower cost. However, if it is a sellers’ market, you can easily sell your home with an Asheville NC listing agent due to the low buyer surplus.

Look at the Financial Aspect

Renting a property that maintains continuous cash flow can be the best thing to do. When deciding whether to rent or sell your home with an Asheville NC listing agent, consider an option that gives you a bang for your buck. Here are factors to consider when deciding whether to sell or rent your property.

Rental Income Tax

Rental income comes at the end of each month from your tenants. But you may not pocket everything since you might need to pay taxes. In this case, you need to analyze and see if the rental income is worth it after deducting the taxes.

The taxes to be deducted from your rental income include property taxes, running expenses, mortgage interest, some repairs, and depreciation. To be on the safe side, consider consulting your accountant to help you decide whether the deductions are worth renting out the property.

Capital Gain Tax

Paying capital gain tax depends on the amount of equity in your home. It is vital to understand the rules under the capital gain tax in the real estate sector to help you decide whether to sell or rent your property. For instance, if your property is subject to capital gain tax when selling it, then you’d rather stick to renting it out.


Home equity is another determining factor to help you decide whether to rent or sell your home with New Earth AVL Realty. If you want to sell your home, then you should ensure you have large equity.

But if you have equity worth a few thousand dollars, consider renting it as you build your home equity. Check the rate at which your home equity is growing before deciding whether to rent it out or sell it. You can hold onto it for some time if it appreciates too first.


Owning a home comes with repair and maintenance responsibilities, as mentioned above. You should consider these two factors when deciding whether to rent or sell your home with New Earth AVL Realty.

While you will need to put aside a budget for repairs and maintenance, you should know that those are not the only expenses. You will also need to pay home insurance, property management fees as a landlord, mortgage interest, legal fees, and estate taxes.

The Bottom Line

From the information above, it is clear that there are many things you should consider when deciding whether to rent or sell your home. Being a homeowner comes with many responsibilities. But if you decide to rent the property, ensure you understand the components involved before moving ahead.

Renting your home could be the best option than selling it. Using the information above can help you decide whether to rent or sell your home.

Now is a great time to sell!  If you, or someone you know is considering selling your home or land, we would be happy to offer a complimentary consultation.  Call New Earth AVL Realty today.

How can I connect you to be of service? Call New Earth AVL Realty to learn more today. 

If buying a home, or selling your house in 2021 is your goal, call me today.

Many blessings,
Jason Martini

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