Reasons to be Grateful this Thanksgiving

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Thanksgiving is one of the greatest holidays of the year. Not only is it a day to dine on mouthwatering turkey, sides, and desserts with cherished ones, but it is also the time to consider all the things for which we are thankful. Here is why we consider Thanksgiving to be a holiday we cannot do without.

I am so grateful for all of the love and support of my friends, family, and clients who have contributed to the person I am today! Becoming a father in August of 2013, was the most important and profound initiation of my life.  The joy and love that Sophia has brought to my life, has been a blessing on so many levels.  I was licensed as a realtor in October of 2015, and that was a major initiation as well, and has been a powerful journey of transformational growth and learnings.  I feel so blessed to have supported so many families during the past seven years.  I am also grateful for my sweetie Stef who has been so loving and supportive throughout our past four years together.  Embrace the holiday season as a time to reflect on what you are grateful for in your life!  

When you are grateful, your brain is Rewired.

There is one significant reason to express gratitude before we get into the subject of what to be grateful for: it is good for you. Expressing gratitude isn’t just a trite expression; it can reduce blood pressure, reduce anxiety and depression, and even help you get a decent night’s sleep.

A place you can call home

Your floors put up with a great deal from you and your family. Consider thanking your home by giving it an upgrade that will keep it strong and beautiful for years to come—engineered hardwood flooring. There is more to a home than only a shelter; it is a sanctuary and a place to belong.

Friends and family provide meaning in life

Whether you’re celebrating the holidays with your parents and siblings or your chosen family, this is the time to reflect on the people you surround yourself with. This holiday season, prioritize spending time together and less on getting everything just right.

Your Animal Companions

Pets are an integral part of many people’s lives, bringing us joy and helping us feel better when we’re down. Without them, life would be less fulfilling.

A Good Health and the Air You Breath

A reward is one way to express gratitude for your body. No matter how far you can run or how many stairs you can climb, your body is what makes it possible, and giving your body the gift of better indoor air quality is one way to express your gratitude.

Food and Traditions for Holidays

It’s a season of abundance when it comes to our favorite foods, from turkey to pie to everything in between. Don’t be so focused on preparing it, that you forget to enjoy and appreciate the celebration.

Time to Unwind

It’s easy to succumb to the pressures of the season, especially if you are hosting. Nonetheless, you must allow yourself to unwind and let go. You deserve it!

Thank Yourself

Finally, thank yourself for everything you put into and get out of life! It is your drive and your choices that make much of your life possible. You should not only enjoy it, but also feel grateful for everything you’ve done to make it happen.

Now is a great time to sell!  If you or someone you know is considering selling your home or land, we would be happy to offer a complimentary consultation. Call New Earth AVL Realty today and Contact Us.

If buying a home, or selling your house in 2022 is your goal, call us  today.  New Earth AVL Realty and I would be honored to connect, and Be of service to you and your family! 

Many blessings,

Jason Martini


828.515.1771 (google voice) or 530.615.9345 (direct)

PS. Who do you know that I can serve?… Who is choosing to buy, sell, or invest in real estate in AVL or Beyond? I Am grateful for your referrals! Your friends and family will thank you for connecting us!

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