Summertime can Be hot and action-packed, and the seasons are times of change. Six months from now, the Winter Solstice will Be upon us. With several holidays happening on or around December 21st, our culture tends to recognize the energies present in the shortest day of the year even if some people don’t realize it.
That means the opposite solstice, the Summer Solstice happening right now, goes unnoticed in the midst of hot summer sun and fun vacations. The Summer Solstice marks the longest day of the year and the turning of the wheel once again. It’s beautiful how our seasons reflect the ebb and flow of our own lives. The active summer gives way to the fall harvest, which leads into winter hibernation before the rejuvenation of spring. The turning of the wheel is a great way to honor those tides in our lives.
How will you choose to celebrate the Summer Solstice this year?

Enjoy the Sun
The solstice is often considered a celebration of the sun. That means anything you do in the sun honors the sacred day. Weather permitting, make plans to spend the day outside.
Outdoor activities in Asheville include:
• Visit Carrier Park or one of the many parks in your commUnity
• Swim at a Community Pool or local waterfall swimming hole
• Go for a Hike at the numerous epic trails surrounding Asheville or your local town
• Check out the Asheville Lit Tour
However you choose to spend the day, take some time to reflect on the sun and the turning of the seasons.
Spend the Day Gardening
Getting your hands dirty in your garden gives you a chance to celebrate the other aspects of solar holidays. Our solar cycles are all about the growing things. Throughout the year, the solstices and equinoxes mark different points in the planting and harvest calendar.
Working in your own garden, tending the plants, weeding, or simply enjoying the day in the sun can give you a chance to reconnect with mother nature.
Decorate Your Home for Summer
Many of us will decorate our homes for holidays in the fall and winter, so why not decorate for the Summer Solstice, too. Bright colors, fresh flowers, and anything related to the sun can be a great way to bring the season indoors for you to enjoy.
Celebrating Fatherhood
My path of Fatherhood has Been the greatest initiation and blessing of my life! I feel as though I Am constantly learning and growing on the path of Fatherhood. Enjoying time with my daughter Sophia, is a great reminder amidst the hustle and bustle of my real estate business. Remembering the importance of connection and adventure. There are numerous waterfalls and amazing hikes around Western NC, as well as downtown and surrounding area street festivals and events.
You can also make sun crafts with your kids, including:
• Flower art
• Sun catchers
• Butterfly peg dolls
• Hand and fingerprint paintings
Enjoy a Solstice Feast
Food is one of the ways we show love to ourselves, our family and friends, and our community. The solstice is a great reason to enjoy a big feast. You can plan a potluck party in your own neighborhood and invite everyone to participate. Or you can celebrate quietly at home with a healthy home cooked meal for you and your family.
Any food can be made to honor the solstice but keep the season and sun in mind when preparing your menu. For example, you can focus on yellow foods to celebrate the summer sunshine. Fresh fruits, honey, and flower flavors, like lavender, are all perfect for the solstice.
Plant Your Roots
Maybe the summer is the best season for you to manifest your intentions. If you are looking for a home in the Asheville area, now is a great time to plant your roots and thrive. If you work with New Earth AVL Reality, we will also help you plant literal roots.
When you buy a home from us, we will gift you three fruit or nut tree from our partners at Whole Tree Regenerative Systems Design. And, if I we sell your home, I will be happy to have the trees planted wherever you decide to move.
To learn more about putting down your roots in Asheville this Summer, or selling your home for your transition…
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