Have you already forgotten about your New Year’s resolutions for 2020? It’s okay, most people have. It’s easy to resolve to do something, but it’s harder to actually do it. That’s why many people today are choosing not to do traditional resolutions. Instead, setting goals and creating a more intentional year ahead can be much more meaningful. Let’s take a closer look at the tradition of resolutions and how to make your 2020 count.

image from http://www.daveallenphotography.com/october_sky.php
The Tradition of Resolutions
Did you know that our New Year’s celebrations are not a modern construct? Civilizations as early as the Babylonians celebrated the turning of the calendar, March in their case. The Egyptians would mark their new year when the Nile flooded. It was Julius Caesar who shifted the New Year to January, but it wasn’t until the adoption of the Gregorian calendar in the 1500s that January was cemented as the first month of the year.
Resolutions themselves go as far back as the Babylonians. They would make promises to the Gods to gain favor throughout the following year. What we do know about resolutions, or any goal we set, is that humans are much more accountable if we share it out loud, and write it down – instead of keeping it to ourselves.
Setting Goals
Setting goals can be something we do at any point in the year, but the ritual that comes with New Year’s resolutions is very appealing. It’s a fresh start, surrounded by celebration.
However, establishing your goal and making it happen can be two very different things. The idea of setting SMART goals may come from more corporate environments, but they can be used to set and live up to your 2020 resolutions. SMART stands for:
· Specific: Your goal needs to be direct and meaningful.
· Measurable: You can review success along the way.
· Achievable: It’s realistic and you have what you need to accomplish it.
· Relevant: Your goal matches your personal values.
· Time-based: You create a deadline.
Whether you want to embrace your spirituality or buy a home, setting SMART goals can give you a path to success.
Being More Intentional
For many, setting a New Year’s resolution is about becoming more intentional. You say your goal out loud to provide yourself a level of accountability. Then you can work on achieving your goal.
Recognizing that the choices you make, the values you choose to embrace, and your purpose will help you make intentional decisions this year and in the future. For example, good practice to help you become more intentional is to embrace gratitude. When you are thankful for every day, you cultivate a feeling of peace and happiness.
For example, if you’re having a bad day, consider just one thing for which you’re grateful. You’ll start to feel a shift. And spread gratitude to your loved ones and strangers. It’s contagious.
20/20 Vision
That brings us to goals for 2020. If you’ve already felt like you’ve let yourself down with your New Year’s resolutions, now’s the time to reaffirm them. It’s never too late to set a goal. What is it you want more than anything this year? Where do you see yourself in March, July, or even next December? Use SMART goals to create a plan and re-evaluate along the way. Remember to Be thankful for the lessons and experiences you have.
This year, I wish you all peace and happiness and may your goal of owning or selling a home manifest. New Earth AVL Realty is committed to Turning your Dreams into Reality!

Many Blessings,
Jason Martini
New Earth AVL Realty
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