Random Acts of Kindness Day: The Health Advantages of a Simple Gesture

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This year’s Random Acts of Kindness Day is on Saturday, yet it’s worth contemplating kindness every day.

Here’s the rationale: Extending kindness doesn’t just uplift others’ spirits—it can also enhance the giver’s well-being and joy, as per studies. It’s a mutually beneficial scenario for everyone involved. Here’s why:

Experiencing a ‘helper’s high’ occurs when we prioritize the well-being of others over our own, without expecting anything in return—a phenomenon known as altruism—which research indicates activates the brain’s reward centers.

These feel-good neurotransmitters inundate our system, producing a “helper’s high.” For instance, volunteering has been demonstrated to alleviate stress and ease depression.

One explanation for this, according to experts, is that kindness enhances our sense of community and belonging. Studies have revealed that this is crucial to fostering a healthy, longer life.


UK researchers discovered that kindness enhances happiness within three days. Participants were split into three groups: one performed daily acts of kindness, another tried new activities, and the third remained inactive. Those who combined kindness with novelty experienced a notable happiness increase. Being creative with kindness can amplify joy.

Acts of kindness, whether anonymous or visible, spontaneous or planned, such as compliments or holding doors open, bring positivity.

Kindness Recommendations

So, you’re on board with the idea and eager to embrace a kinder, more supportive approach. While countless suggestions abound online, here are a handful to kickstart your journey:

  • When driving, allow space for a car seeking to merge into your lane.
  • Extend a genuine compliment to a family member, friend, or colleague (via text, email, or video chat, if possible).
  • Extend the same courtesy to your boss, who may seldom receive compliments.
  • Release grudges and forgive those who have wronged you (unless it exacerbates the situation).
  • Offer support to a friend going through a rough patch; be there to listen without trying to solve their problems.
  • Leave a heartfelt thank-you note for your mail carrier.
  • Generously tip your delivery person.

A Present for You

By enriching the world with your kindness, remember, you’re also bestowing a gift upon yourself.

Now is a great time to sell!  If you or someone you know is considering selling your home or land, we would be happy to offer a complimentary consultation. Call New Earth AVL Realty today and Contact Us.

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Many Blessings,

Jason Martini


828.515.1771 (google voice) or 530.615.9345 (direct)


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