Harvesting The Seeds We’ve Planted

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Harvesting The Seeds We've Planted


August 1st marked another turn of the wheel of the year. Some communities celebrate this day as the first harvest, known as Lammas or Lughnasa. It honors several milestones in our annual lives including the first harvest of things we planted earlier in the year. In nature, that means the fruit harvest. For our personal lives, it’s the low hanging fruit that has begun showing itself to us.

This has been a challenging and transformative year thus far. The things we set out to plant early this year may not have happened as we faced a global pandemic. Even as we turned inward, we did germinate our seeds.

What can we harvest during this dynamic year? 

Masculine Energy

Lughnasa is a Celtic holiday still celebrated by many people in Ireland and around the world. It’s a time to honor the first fruits of the harvest and the god Lugh. Lugh was a prominent God in Celtic mythology as a warrior, king, and master craftsman. He was also associated with the ancient practice of the Tailteann Games. The practice has been revived throughout Ireland and beyond, and Lugh’s day is often celebrated with sports or games. Celebrating Lugh is celebrating masculine energy in your life.

Small Victories

This year, we’ve faced a lot of additional hardship. With a global “pandemic,” impacting our lives on many levels, as well as civil unrest happening in cities all across the country, many of us feel stuck right now.
Our bodies are experiencing unprecedented levels of stress and overwhelm and we don’t always have the tools to handle it. That’s why, during this first harvest, it’s good to take a step back and look at the small victories. Life didn’t stop completely, so what can you be proud of that you accomplished in the last six months?
I feel blessed to have experienced tremendous growth in my business and life these past six months.   Through the challenges, I have learned to stay centered, and come from contribution.

Life Lessons

We are being tested, but is it really beyond our limits?
There is no end to what we are capable of, if we put our hearts and minds to it.  While things may be difficult right now, we are learning a lot about ourselves and our fellow humans that will help us move forward in whatever way is right for us.
Many of us have been greatly challenged on all levels; as schools shifted to virtual learning, and we were required to guide our children through their online lessons.  Businesses and restaurants were closed, and we were  told to stay home – creating isolation and separation.  Through this, I have realized more than ever, the importance of authentic connection, compassion, and commUnity..
What life lessons have you learned from this time?  
What healthy habits and choices have you harvested that you can carry on into the future?

What the Future Holds

We don’t know exactly what the future holds.  We do know that it’s time to prioritize human connection, commUnity,  and support.  We know that we must stand strong in the face of adversity.  We know that we need to let our convictions find roots in the earth and speak up and out against the things that hold us back.

We may not know what the future holds, but we can shape it.

 How will you transform your future?

Call New Earth AVL Realty to plant new roots in Western North Carolina.


 With the high demand of people moving to these beautiful mountains, there is also a shortage of homes to sell. So if you know anyone considering selling their home or land. Please connect us so we can support their transition.

Many Blessings, 

 Jason Martini New Earth AVL Realty  

 PS. Please leave your comments below and tell us what seeds you have been harvesting… and share this post on your networks. Thanks!

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