Celebrating the Seasons, The Earth, and Mothers

Table of Contents

As we move into June, we’re reflecting back on the month of May, which just passed. On May 1
st, we crossed another spiritual threshold. Opposite on the wheel of the year from Halloween is Beltane, another time when the veil between the worlds is thinnest. Some ancient stories say this is the night when the faeries are most active.

May was a busy time for many people as we felt the energy of the seasons shift.  We also celebrated Mother’s Day on the second Sunday of the month and Memorial Day on the last Monday of May, which is often considered the unofficial start of summer.

As we celebrate the return of the summer, our emergence from various stages of lockdown, and all of the mothers in our lives, including Mother Earth, let’s reflect on what May has brought us.


Freedom and Joy

We’ve had a challenging year, but there are so many reasons to be joyful. Regardless of your position on the COVID-19 crisis, we are looking toward a future where we can emerge again into the light. Celebrating our freedom in whatever way we feel most comfortable will be a great way to experience joy in our lives.

Motherly Love

While we often look at Mother’s Day as a time reserved to tell the moms in our lives that we love them, celebrating mothers shouldn’t only happen one day per year. Mothers are responsible for so much goodness in our world. Their nurturing and love for the next generations of humans is their superpower.  And this love shouldn’t be reserved for just the people in our lives. Consider offering love to Mother Earth all year long.

At New Earth AVL, we help spread this love to our new homeowners and the earth by planting fruit and nut trees. We have planted 24 fruit and nut trees this year so far.


Many people look at Memorial Day as a day off of work and the unofficial start of summer. But Memorial Day has a much more somber meaning. 

It honors individuals who died while serving our country in the military. If you have a loved one who died in the line of duty, take time to commemorate them this Memorial Day. Take time to learn more about your beloved family members.


But the end of May does mean summertime is coming. While we don’t officially mark it on the calendar until mid-June, May is a transition point on the wheel of the year. The cold weather will be a distant memory as we push ahead to the warm, long summer days.

How will you celebrate the arrival of summer this month?

Now is a great time to sell!  If you, or someone you know is considering selling your home or land, we would be happy to offer a complimentary consultation.  Call New Earth AVL Realty today.

How can I connect you to be of service? Call New Earth AVL Realty to learn more today. 

If buying a home, or selling your house in 2021 is your goal, call me today.

Many blessings,
Jason Martini

PS. Who do you know that I can serve?… Who is choosing to buy, sell, or invest in real estate in AVL or Beyond? I Am grateful for your referrals! Your friends and family will thank you for connecting us!

PSS. Please feel free to comment below and let us know how you liked this blog post and what it brought up in you. And by all means… share it on your social sites too!


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